Happy Halloween MASON!!

Jack Strop

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Happy Halloween Mason Nation and remember - dress Non-PC this season! Me and the family dressed up for a halloween party in Annandale, VA (aka Anan-dale!)


(Note for the more sensitive posters - This was intentionally meant to be insulting, triggering, and sterepotyping to let off some steam and tension in our uber-PC culture. It is meant to make people laugh and maybe just a little pissed off. It is a joke and in no way indicates a dislike or demeaning of Mexican culture of figures. Just a picture of a happy white American family temporarily appropriating the culture of the good people south of the boarder. The PiKapp household loves it some tortilla and salsa washed down with a bottle of Dos Equis. )
You see, what matters most when you post something like this is that one has to take it's intent in mind. It has the potential to disparage vulnerable populat... OH HELL! JUST PASS ME A DOS EQUIS!


Hall of Famer
⭐️ Donor ⭐️
You see, what matters most when you post something like this is that one has to take it's intent in mind. It has the potential to disparage vulnerable populat... OH HELL! JUST PASS ME A DOS EQUIS!

Now you are getting it! >> tosses Jack ice cold Dos Equis and some tapas