News GW Students Leaning towards Hippos

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Additional ideas under consideration for the new nickname include “Revolutionaries” and “Riverhorses.” But the Hatchet argued “Revolutionaries” is too similar to nearby rival George Mason University’s “Patriots.”

Revolutionaries is too similar to Patriots?

At least they didnt call us the James Mason Patriots


I think it's a thing actually on campus.

"GW's River Horse
Legend has it that the Potomac was once home to these wondrous beasts. George and Martha Washington are even said to have watched them cavort in the river shallows from the porch of their beloved Mount Vernon on summer evenings. Credited with enhancing the fertility of the plantation, the Washingtons believed the hippopotamuses brought them good luck, and children on the estate often attempted to lure the creatures close enough to the shore to touch a nose for good luck.

So, too, many generations of students of The George Washington University.

Art for wisdom, Science for joy, Politics for beauty, And a Hippo for hope."

Less random than it seems.


Hall of Famer
⭐️ Donor ⭐️
I think it's a thing actually on campus.

"GW's River Horse
Legend has it that the Potomac was once home to these wondrous beasts. George and Martha Washington are even said to have watched them cavort in the river shallows from the porch of their beloved Mount Vernon on summer evenings. Credited with enhancing the fertility of the plantation, the Washingtons believed the hippopotamuses brought them good luck, and children on the estate often attempted to lure the creatures close enough to the shore to touch a nose for good luck.

So, too, many generations of students of The George Washington University.

Art for wisdom, Science for joy, Politics for beauty, And a Hippo for hope."

Less random than it seems.
So what will heir mascot look like ??



⭐️ Donor ⭐️
I think it's a thing actually on campus.

"GW's River Horse
Legend has it that the Potomac was once home to these wondrous beasts. George and Martha Washington are even said to have watched them cavort in the river shallows from the porch of their beloved Mount Vernon on summer evenings. Credited with enhancing the fertility of the plantation, the Washingtons believed the hippopotamuses brought them good luck, and children on the estate often attempted to lure the creatures close enough to the shore to touch a nose for good luck.

So, too, many generations of students of The George Washington University.

Art for wisdom, Science for joy, Politics for beauty, And a Hippo for hope."

Less random than it seems.
I have a friend who went there and is family friends with the President who gifted it to the campus. Apparently that whole thing is a myth to cover for the fact that the guy bought it for his house when hammered and his wife made him get rid of it.