Gameday Experience

Five Two

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In that twitter thread there was talk about the university needing a license for alcohol. Are football tailgates at UVA, VA Tech, etc following the same rules since they are also state schools?

Is this Mason hiding behind state regulations or just not wanting to deal with tailgating? Or both?

By George.

This is all a bit overblown, these same rules have applied to all tailgates this season. Yes, communication was poor, per usual, but we’ve talked with the guy running tailgates this season and he just wants people to drink responsibly, put it in cups or have koozies and not to need EMT assistance back to their dorms.

This situation kinda screams fake outrage by people who weren’t planning on going anyways. We’ll be out there in lot A, drinking, come join us. Mason constantly mismanages things but I appreciate the multiple opportunities to tailgate this season, it’s a step in the right direction. Poor students can’t black out in the parking lot, handle your liquor better and we don’t have to deal with the rule changes.

Hey, look a few board members drinking at a tailgate this season on Masons official Instagram story posted today to entice people to come.


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Hall of Famer
This is all a bit overblown, these same rules have applied to all tailgates this season. Yes, communication was poor, per usual, but we’ve talked with the guy running tailgates this season and he just wants people to drink responsibly, put it in cups or have koozies and not to need EMT assistance back to their dorms.

This situation kinda screams fake outrage by people who weren’t planning on going anyways. We’ll be out there in lot A, drinking, come join us. Mason constantly mismanages things but I appreciate the multiple opportunities to tailgate this season, it’s a step in the right direction. Poor students can’t black out in the parking lock, handle your liquor better and we don’t have to deal with the rule changes.

Hey, look a few board members drinking at a tailgate this season on Masons official Instagram story posted today to entice people to come.

Really---11 hospitalizations! Assuming that's true, I don't think the University can simply pretend it didn't happen.


Hall of Famer
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This is all a bit overblown, these same rules have applied to all tailgates this season. Yes, communication was poor, per usual, but we’ve talked with the guy running tailgates this season and he just wants people to drink responsibly, put it in cups or have koozies and not to need EMT assistance back to their dorms.

This situation kinda screams fake outrage by people who weren’t planning on going anyways. We’ll be out there in lot A, drinking, come join us. Mason constantly mismanages things but I appreciate the multiple opportunities to tailgate this season, it’s a step in the right direction. Poor students can’t black out in the parking lot, handle your liquor better and we don’t have to deal with the rule changes.

Hey, look a few board members drinking at a tailgate this season on Masons official Instagram story posted today to entice people to come.

Lol dude hop of the schools jock there’s no defending this one. This is the actual only day out of the year that anyone tailgates (or shows up to the game for that matter) and the school is going out of their way to change the rules to make it less inticing. Was this ever a rule when you were a student?

I was planning on going but now will forgo because I don’t want the mason fun police to let the real police know I’m drinking a forbidden beer AT A TAILGATE.

Telling 18-22 year olds to handle their liquor better AT A COLLEGE SPORTING EVENT is like telling a puppy to not piss on the floor.

Homecoming is becoming a joke.

By George.

Lol dude hop of the schools jock there’s no defending this one. This is the actual only day out of the year that anyone tailgates (or shows up to the game for that matter) and the school is going out of their way to change the rules to make it less inticing. Was this ever a rule when you were a student?

I was planning on going but now will forgo because I don’t want the mason fun police to let the real police know I’m drinking a forbidden beer AT A TAILGATE.

Telling 18-22 year olds to handle their liquor better AT A COLLEGE SPORTING EVENT is like telling a puppy to not piss on the floor.

Homecoming is becoming a joke.

We just happen to find the silver lining. There’s plenty of space between getting drunk and needing an ambulance, college kids all over the country stay within that space everyday.

Again, we have drank at every tailgate this season under the same rules, cops have controlled the entrance and that’s it, and we will drink again tmrw. This shouldn’t keep you from coming, in fact join us. This was the plan this season, to provide more tailgates to dilute the rage fest on HoCo, it unfortunately hasn’t worked out as they planned and are probably scrambling now.

Has absolutely nothing to do with who’s jock we’re on and everything to do with not getting caught up in the outrage. People will be drinking at tailgates tmrw and unless you’re an asshole, you won’t deal with the cops. Maybe I’m wrong, will report back tomorrow.
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Hall of Famer
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We just happen to find the silver lining. There’s plenty of space between getting drunk and needing an ambulance, college kids all over the country stay within that space everyday.

Again, we have drank at every tailgate this season under the same rules, cops have controlled the entrance and that’s it, and we will drink again tmrw. This shouldn’t keep you from coming, in fact join us. This was the plan this season, to provide more tailgates to dilute the rage fest on HoCo, it unfortunately hasn’t worked out as they planned and are probably scrambling now.

Has absolutely nothing to do with who’s jock we’re on and everything to do with not getting caught up in the outrage. People will be drinking at tailgates tmrw and unless you’re an a** hole, you won’t deal with the cops. Maybe I’m wrong, will report back tomorrow.

If this is the case then why make the announcement/rule at all? Do you think VT puts out an email 2 days before homecoming to everyone that’s registered to let then know they can’t drink at the tailgate (regardless if they are going to enforce it or not)


be prepared for the campus gestapo going around doing the bidding of Overpaid and Underworked Beaurecrat David Farris.

If your homecoming experience is negatively impacted by Mason Police saying you can't drink alcohol?

Take it out on Farris on Monday by giving his office a call: Phone: 703-993-2507

Clog up his voicemail and his phoneline!


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
If it is the same rules, as you say, why did they use the phrase new requirements in the notice for tomorrow?

By George.

If it is the same rules, as you say, why did they use the phrase new requirements in the notice for tomorrow?

New this year as compared to last year. We had 4 other tailgates outside of HoCo that all followed the same rules. I don’t have all the answers but should tmrw.

Jack Strop

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
New this year as compared to last year. We had 4 other tailgates outside of HoCo that all followed the same rules. I don’t have all the answers but should tmrw.
I'm sure that if you're discreet about putting a beer into a red plastic cup then no one will bother you. The guy who monitors the tailgates is a cool dude. Drink responsibly and consume reasonably and all will be fine.

By George.

I'm sure that if you're discreet about putting a beer into a red plastic cup then no one will bother you. The guy who monitors the tailgates is a cool dude. Drink responsibly and consume reasonably and all will be fine.

Spoken like a guy who was at the last couple tailgates.....oh wait, you’re a the real MVP!

By George.

If this is the case then why make the announcement/rule at all? Do you think VT puts out an email 2 days before homecoming to everyone that’s registered to let then know they can’t drink at the tailgate (regardless if they are going to enforce it or not)

Are we talking VT football? In Blacksburg? This is basketball in Fairfax city. Fairfax kinda sucks, who’s denying this? If you’ve thrown a couple parties in Fairfax, you’ve had the cops called. I guess I’m just used to this but David Farris is good people. Communication was clearly bad but they’re probably accomplishing their goal in disparaging students from getting hammered.

Look, last few years, we had a blast. We cook up carne asada, make Jell-O shots, give out swag and hang with Patriots but we’ve also seen girls pass out in porta potty’s, saw at least 4 ambulances last year myself, and know how much people rage. Half the tailgate doesn’t even come to the game, they take their party elsewhere, which is fine go hard. The school was ready to cancel the tailgate all together until David stepped in. I just caution that before people send bitchy emails and phone calls, find out the facts. We don’t ride jocks, we just support people trying to do the right thing. We wanted more tailgates and got them. #thankful


Hall of Famer
Are we talking VT football? In Blacksburg? This is basketball in Fairfax city. Fairfax kinda sucks, who’s denying this? If you’ve thrown a couple parties in Fairfax, you’ve had the cops called. I guess I’m just used to this but David Farris is good people. Communication was clearly bad but they’re probably accomplishing their goal in disparaging students from getting hammered.

Look, last few years, we had a blast. We cook up carne asada, make Jell-O shots, give out swag and hang with Patriots but we’ve also seen girls pass out in porta potty’s, saw at least 4 ambulances last year myself, and know how much people rage. Half the tailgate doesn’t even come to the game, they take their party elsewhere, which is fine go hard. The school was ready to cancel the tailgate all together until David stepped in. I just caution that before people send bitchy emails and phone calls, find out the facts. We don’t ride jocks, we just support people trying to do the right thing. We wanted more tailgates and got them. #thankful
Students go hard at HC because it was the one day a year they felt an immunity from police. Maybe if Mason lighten up throughout the year, students wouldn’t go so hard at HC.
Man, imagine needing an ambulance at homecoming. In my day you would either sleep off your injury in the woods or walk to INova.

We had mosh pits and huffed paint when we couldn't afford Schlitz and we didnt take no guff from no Mason flatfoots.

Sometimes we would tailgate clear through Monday and when we got bored of that, we'd either flip our cars on Braddock or walk over to Presidents Park and knock on windows looking for sex.

Ambulance. Dont kids build up unnatural tolerances any more?


Hall of Famer
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Are we talking VT football? In Blacksburg? This is basketball in Fairfax city. Fairfax kinda sucks, who’s denying this? If you’ve thrown a couple parties in Fairfax, you’ve had the cops called. I guess I’m just used to this but David Farris is good people. Communication was clearly bad but they’re probably accomplishing their goal in disparaging students from getting hammered.

Look, last few years, we had a blast. We cook up carne asada, make Jell-O shots, give out swag and hang with Patriots but we’ve also seen girls pass out in porta potty’s, saw at least 4 ambulances last year myself, and know how much people rage. Half the tailgate doesn’t even come to the game, they take their party elsewhere, which is fine go hard. The school was ready to cancel the tailgate all together until David stepped in. I just caution that before people send bitchy emails and phone calls, find out the facts. We don’t ride jocks, we just support people trying to do the right thing. We wanted more tailgates and got them. #thankful

This will just be one of those agree to disagree times I guess. All the school had to do to not screw this up was literally do/change nothing (something we know they are fond of/can do very well) but instead they went out of their way to try to change something to make it more restrictive. Look forward to seeing everyone today and hope the fun police (or in this case the real police) don’t feel the need to get overzealous and start enforcing the asinine rules the school put in place.

By George.

Happy HoCo! We’ll be in lot A, come say what’s up, we’ll have plenty of food, corn hole and music. Look for the American/Mason flag combo. Whatever you do today, go hard!


Hall of Famer
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Update: resounding reflections from folks at Brions, no one wants to go to the tailgate because of Masons statements on booze there. About to head in to see for myself what it’s like compared to past years.

By George.

Update: resounding reflections from folks at Brions, no one wants to go to the tailgate because of Masons statements on booze there. About to head in to see for myself what it’s like compared to past years.

Come through, all you can drink and eat. We’re in the middle, look for the flags.