Gameday Experience


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I think both the colors and the nickname were put up to vote by students. But don't quote me on that

"Perhaps the best answer to the question of where the colors came from is from the students, themselves. In fact, the simple truth lies in the pages of The Gunston Ledger, Mason’s first student newspaper. Starting in November of 1964, the month during which Mason’s new modern Fairfax campus was dedicated, the student body at Mason addressed the need for enhancements to the college’s image and academic atmosphere. Articles in The Ledger pointed up the perception among the student body that Mason needed its own official seal and its own school colors. A rather inconspicuous Ledger article of February 10, 1965 entitled: 'Assembly to Campaign for Academic Atmosphere' reported that:

A poll of the student body was taken to select the school colors… The colors selected by the students were green and gold. Only 103 (of 360 total students) voted in the poll, but green and gold received almost twice as many votes as the next most popular color.[4]

One of those who voted for the school colors was Ann Walker (Sparks). She recalled in 2004 that, since the majority of the students enrolled at George Mason in 1965 were from local high schools, their selections for the school colors were motivated by local high school rivalries. No one wanted George Mason to have the colors belonging to their former high school rivals.[5] "

"The name 'Patriots' reappeared when it was first attributed to George Mason’s soccer team in a November 1968 issue of The Gunston Ledger.[18] In the newspaper’s December 13, 1968 edition, Mason’s men’s basketball team was now referred to as the 'Patriots' for the first time.[19] In this same issue, the lead story was about the first annual 'Patriot’s Day' on campus. This was also the first time that Wayne Grandy, a sports writer for The Ledger, published an article about Mason’s basketball program. In subsequent newspaper issues, Grandy would continue to call the team 'the Patriots.' The George Mason College Student Handbook for 1968-1969[20] and the 1969 Advocate[21] also referred to the basketball team the Patriots.

Since 1969, Mason’s sports teams have consistently been known as either 'the Patriots' or simply 'George Mason.' Since there are no official details regarding how the 'Patriots' name was given, and there have been no former students or faculty from the era have been able to recall the exact details, it is likely we may never really know for certain exactly how George Mason’s nickname became the Patriots. However, based on the clues revealed in archives of past student publications, one can at least establish a timeline which pinpoints the general period during which the 'Patriots' name was finally adopted. Perhaps one day, a new piece of evidence will be uncovered allowing us to finally solve the mystery of how George Mason University became known as the 'Patriots.'"
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I like green, but not yellow.
I like the Patriot, but hate the logo.


The thing I liked about Gunston was that it was unique and got people talking about Mason in a different way during and after the final four. It also had a name and was tied to the university history.

Granted, the outfit, needed a little bit of an image refresh (could have made it more like the current patriot), and didn’t go well on a T-shirt. But neither does the patriot, Stanford’s dumb tree, or a number of other mascots. You don’t see most universities really putting an image of their mascot on their jerseys and gear. UVA doesn’t use cavaliers, just Virginia.

what’s missing with us is a solid logo and brand that can be complimented by a weird game day mascot that fans adore and embrace. I’d like to see us figure out a simple athletic logo. Maybe an “M” if we are going with “Mason” (heck, I’m even tempted to go with the “academic” quill logo over the athletic logo).

Otherwise throw back to the final four and stick with George Mason in a nice block font and get rid of our complicated logo that also doesn’t look good on gear.


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like to see us figure out a simple athletic logo. Maybe an “M” if we are going with “Mason” (heck, I’m even tempted to go with the “academic” quill logo over the athletic logo).

Otherwise throw back to the final four and stick with George Mason in a nice block font and get rid of our complicated logo that also doesn’t look good on gear.


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They should of named the Patriot mascot Gunston. Even make a short movie about his trsnsformation and then do a big intro. Oh well. Nobody thinks in that dept.


I am most concerned our uniforms and colors are not ADA compliant for the visually challenged fans that may be blind or color blind.


Hall of Famer
The thing I liked about Gunston was that it was unique and got people talking about Mason in a different way during and after the final four. It also had a name and was tied to the university history.

Granted, the outfit, needed a little bit of an image refresh (could have made it more like the current patriot), and didn’t go well on a T-shirt. But neither does the patriot, Stanford’s dumb tree, or a number of other mascots. You don’t see most universities really putting an image of their mascot on their jerseys and gear. UVA doesn’t use cavaliers, just Virginia.

what’s missing with us is a solid logo and brand that can be complimented by a weird game day mascot that fans adore and embrace. I’d like to see us figure out a simple athletic logo. Maybe an “M” if we are going with “Mason” (heck, I’m even tempted to go with the “academic” quill logo over the athletic logo).

Otherwise throw back to the final four and stick with George Mason in a nice block font and get rid of our complicated logo that also doesn’t look good on gear.
I like the M they use with the feather pen. I think they could work on that. After all George Mason drafted the Bill of Rights


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I like the M they use with the feather pen. I think they could work on that. After all George Mason drafted the Bill of Rights

In terms of brand identity, it would be a tough sell because almost no one would know what school the M stands for -- I feel like if you're going to go with just a single letter, you've got to be THE state school, like Minnesota or Georgia or Nebraska or Washington or Arizona or Tennessee; second to that is the city the school is in, like Syracuse or a memorable name like Villanova, Temple, Stanford. Being named after a person, especially a not well-known person, is rough from a logo design perspective (although George Mason is having his 15 minutes lately).

A simple bold MASON minus the shooting star, or the interlocking GM would probably be the best and cleanest. I mean, if you want the school to be known as Mason, just use Mason and ditch the star (especially the star minus Mason; no one knows what the hell that is).


Hall of Famer
In terms of brand identity, it would be a tough sell because almost no one would know what school the M stands for -- I feel like if you're going to go with just a single letter, you've got to be THE state school, like Minnesota or Georgia or Nebraska or Washington or Arizona or Tennessee; second to that is the city the school is in, like Syracuse or a memorable name like Villanova, Temple, Stanford. Being named after a person, especially a not well-known person, is rough from a logo design perspective (although George Mason is having his 15 minutes lately).

A simple bold MASON minus the shooting star, or the interlocking GM would probably be the best and cleanest. I mean, if you want the school to be known as Mason, just use Mason and ditch the star (especially the star minus Mason; no one knows what the hell that is).
I get your point. But Mason is the largest university in the state. Everyone in VA has heard of Mason. That said, I would welcome any change


I think this thread is symptomatic of Mason in general. The school is criticized for not having traditions at the same time people are suggesting changing some of the things that have been around the longest, or at least for a while now.


In that vein, I like the idea of modifying the current logo. Maybe taking the star and the outline around “mason” off does it without completely changing the current brand. Everything else can stay the same and it seems like it’s be a lot easier to put on gear. Also we’d retain the Patriots concept, which ties to the “the patriot” mascot.


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I get your point. But Mason is the largest university in the state. Everyone in VA has heard of Mason. That said, I would welcome any change

You are talking about an athletics logo. People outside of Virginia would have a hard time recognizing an M and equating that back to George Mason University. The whole point is to make it instantly recognizable. You don’t want people googling the logo to figure out who you are.

Brian, it’s because they haven’t gotten the logo right yet? And it’s not like the shooting star has been around 50 years (even 30?). They ditched Gunston after the Final Four when they didn’t have to. I don’t have a problem with the patriot but the idiocy that was Gunston could have made his special is they doubled down on him (he was making worst of lists!). We do seem to have a big problem with our students/alumni/fans embracing kitsch and/or collegiate corniness, which makes me sad.


You are talking about an athletics logo. People outside of Virginia would have a hard time recognizing an M and equating that back to George Mason University. The whole point is to make it instantly recognizable. You don’t want people googling the logo to figure out who you are.

And thus being named after a slave holding founding father....gets us "no cred" in the modern world. George Madison, James Mason, James George once can keep it straight....

Therefore: University of Northern Virginia "UNVA"

Solves everything.


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And thus being named after a slave holding founding father....gets us "no cred" in the modern world. George Madison, James Mason, James George once can keep it straight....

Therefore: University of Northern Virginia "UNVA"

Solves everything.

Clearly, this will solve all of our political problems...or we can lean in to our conservative roots and just name the school after the Koch Brothers -- Koch Polytechnic University, or if that's too on the nose: Freidrich August Hayek University. Or conversely, we could really dig into our roots and rename ourselves Lord Thomas Fairfax University, or Fairfax U for short.

p.s. can you tell I'm avoiding grading end of semester papers right now?


And thus being named after a slave holding founding father....gets us "no cred" in the modern world. George Madison, James Mason, James George once can keep it straight....

Therefore: University of Northern Virginia "UNVA"

Solves everything.
I mean this is clearly why we pushed to brand "Mason". I actually haven't heard us mistaken for JMU or GWU in years now. So at least that seemed to work.