Game 7, Rhode Island, Nov. 30th, 4 PM, MASN


Four-star Recruit
Mason 58
URI 54

Having Copes back will help secure the middle, hopefully he gets 15 + minutes. I would like to see moore play more unless cory is going to shoot and make the 3 pointer more. Turnovers are killer.

My prediction is close to being correct


Marko is doing great. Most of Hewitt's guys look really good.
So impressed with Marko this year. I was wrong about him.

I can totally see all of Larranagas recruits being more effective in his half court offense. Williams banging down low with Allen and wright dropping bombs from out side and controlling a slower tempo. The quicker pace of Hewitt's offense, while ideally more versatile, IMHO kind of pushes them a bit from being distinct parts.

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Overall, an ugly, ugly win. We executed down the stretch and made some pretty big plays. Great all-around effort by Jenkins down low.


Haha true our bigs are definitely lacking in their low post offense.

No knock on Hewitt, but Larranagas bigs seemed a little more used to banging down low. Hewitt's style seems to have them being a little more of runners.

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