Baby steps. Overall better than the other day but if the FTs turn into a trend were really in trouble.
I think just the lack of a goto offensive player is just going to doom us to really poor stretches for a long while.
Flip good side is not sure how you game plan/focus on slowing down one guy for us. Lots of guys *could* spark us any given way this team has too much of a set rotation.
Greene/Wilson consistency might be the whole key to doing okay to good in the a 10.
agreed, from what I saw, definitely some improvement but the a10 is going to be a struggle in my opinion. Hopefully with the depth coming back that’ll help and having 3 games in a week and regular routine will too.
I liked seeing Hartwell and Oduro stepping up today.
they aren’t playing good teams so I’m worried when they play a half decent a10 team or even bottom tier team, but they do have some time to improve.