Game 3: GMU (2-0) vs Cornell (3-0) on Wednesday, November 15, at 7:30 PM.


Hall of Famer

"The Cornell Colors

The Cornell colors were actually established on the University's Inauguration Day on Oct. 7, 1868. The account from Morris Bishop's A History of Cornell follows:

At sunrise on Inauguration Day, said the New York Times envoy, 'from all the hills poured forth delightful music, and every few minutes the thunder of artillery from the eastern hills responded to the booming of cannon from a lofty eminence on the west side of town.' Students and citizens thronged to Library Hall, which was tastefully decorated with marble vases of flowers and a large cross covered with moss, entwined with myrtle. One the side wall, the motto of the new university was blazoned in evergreen letters, and behind the speakers the illustrious names of CORNELL and WHITE appeared in large white letters against artistically draped red flannel, on which stars cut out of silver paper were pinned at pleasing intervals. Thus, entirely unintentionally, the Cornell colors were established for all time, on the first Cornell banner.

Although the Cornell football team was defeated 12-6 in the 1898 Thanksgiving Day game by the University of Pennsylvania, the Big Red made quite an impression that day.

The team's colors impressed Herberton L. Williams, comptroller and general manager of Campbell Soup Co., who attended that game in Philadelphia.

The story is that Williams was impressed by the brilliance of Cornell's red and white uniforms and later insisted that the company adopt those colors for the labels on its cans. The company's original colors were black and orange. The new colors began appearing in 1899.

That decision has been a lasting one. There has been little change in the design of the basic labels and no change in their color since then."


Hall of Famer
“Cornell’s most famous animal resident has to be the bear. The University has no official mascot, but the image of a bear has long played a role in Cornell athletics. The very first bear to come to campus was purchased by Zoology Professor Burt Green Wilder in 1872 and cared for by John Henry Comstock ’74. While this bear was an amusement to students, its real purpose was to serve as a study object. After a series of adventures and hijinks, such as a surprise late night trip to the University chaplain, the bear eventually became a specimen in the University’s museum. It wasn’t until 1915 when a black bear cub, dubbed Touchdown, began showing up at Cornell football games, that the bear made its indelible impression on the student body. Perhaps it was the presence of this bear that led the 1915 football team to their undefeated national championship season. The idea of keeping a bear on the side-lines was planted, and three more Touchdowns followed through the 1939 season.”
Thank you for providing the connection between Cornell and the use of a bear as "mascot". I grew up in upstate NY, have been on their campus but never was aware of that.


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This is a big one already. Mason is undefeated and Cornell is undefeated as well. While it’s still early both programs are obviously in position to make a good statement. Cornell just beat Fordham and at times was blowing them out by 25 plus points.

I’m glad we got this buy game as Cornell is a top 125 team so it’s a very good opportunity, much like the buy game against Hofstra last year.

I have full confidence that Tony will have the guys ready to go tonight. And fyi, game is at 730 to accommodate the end of the womens game.
Can someone please tell me how/why the Miller Lite is always broken/out at the Gold Room? They are now 3 for 3.

For Chrissakes Mason! Put a couple spare kegs behind the table. This is amateur hour.


Hall of Famer
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I feel like we are going to have a +20 advantage on rebounds, but wish we’d shoot the ball better!