So we're all in agreement

, like we always are! LOL. We suck, we're okay, and we're great at times.
We are the perfect team to star in the classic western The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.
My opinion, feel free to agree or disagree.
The good:
10 - 4 (.714) record at home this year is light years better than DP or Hewitt. It needs to get even better from here on out.
Wins at Maryland and Georgia. Any win over a power conference on the road is a good one in my book.
Winning at Dayton.
Beating St. Bonaventure at home.
Playing at #6 Kansas. Even though we lost it was great experience.
Josh Oduro (18.0 ppg, 7.4 reb). Much to look forward to with Josh next season. Yes, he has disappeared at times and struggled against powerful opponents or extremely athletic competition. He and KE should know that and prepare to improve for next season. He needs to look like a choirboy but play like an assassin. If you told me he’d go for 18 and 7 at the beginning of the year I don’t know that I would have believed it.
D’Shawn Schwartz (15.6 ppg, 4.5 reb). His production, maturity, calm demeanor, and leadership will be missed.
Devon Cooper delivered what I thought he would. Is he a bit one dimensional offensively? Maybe. Rely too much on the 3? Probably. But, I’d take him over Javon Green and his head case issues.
Ticket Gaines. The young man just plays hard. ALL the time. Great defender, rebounder, and his offensive production surpassed what I expected. His future is bright.
@gmubrian flying all over the damn country to attend games. Fan of the year in my book.
The new uniforms, I like the throwback look.
Talking with friends and posters before games and at the half in the Gold Room.
Making fun of vcu. It never gets old!
Coaches shows at Glory Days. It’s nice to finally have one.
KE and the staff. Better days are coming.
I have to be just a bit more patient at times.
Beer sold at EBA!
Fernandez and Dinkins coming in next year. IF they are as good as advertised they will help turn to tide of the program. Hopefully another recruit or two come in along with transfers. We ned new blood.
The Bad:
4-11 (.266) on the road and “neutral” sites. Want to be top 4? Win at home and go .500 on the road. 13-5 or 14-4 will get it done every year. We aren’t there yet. I sure as hell hope we do because I’m sick of being mediocre and irrelevant.
Our black jerseys. Hate them.
Inconsistent play and production from our point guards by committee.
Our lack of depth. When a walk-on is 6th man you have issues with depth.
Our lack on “innate toughness” which KE referred to in almost every coaches show. I hope the incoming freshmen have it. We need it. You can’t teach toughness, you either have it or you don’t. Apparently some on the current roster do not. If they did KE would not have ever mentioned it.
Getting blown out by vcu on Homecoming. Next year have Homecoming in November as many here have suggested and schedule Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow so we can actually win the damn game!
Having game against Wisconsin canceled due to Covid.
Not having Brion’s Grille to congregate at as a community to celebrate wins and drown sorrows after a loss.
The Ugly:
South Dakota. It should go back to being a territory!
Our losses to JMU, ODU, and LaSalle. Just to name a few.
I could point out individual stats that are pathetic but I won’t.