Was on the floor this game thanks to a friend not attending in his usual seats on the floor. I talked to one of the dad's in firs half and they went to Dayton but live in NOVA (typical). Funny how they live in NOVA yet one of their kids doesn't seem to respect Mason enough and has a dirty little whore mouth...but have a feeling that changed. And the little shit was a ginger. Double whammy.Sorry you had that experience. My season tickets are in section 102....behind the visitor bench, 10 rows up. There were mostly Flyer fans in that section but no obnoxious ones. More middle-age alums who certainly cheered for their team, but didn't get on your nerves. Generally well-mannered visitors, especially given the games intensity.
One of the dad's looked to have gotten the floor tickets and green room passes from K McKay.... possible buds of hers or one of them may work for her as Kathy turned around and gave them some jabs near the end of the game to pile on.