Instead of G Mas, I will be using Geo M from now on
I don't think I've seen that one before, but have seen "Geo" used.
Instead of G Mas, I will be using Geo M from now on
How come we never get this lucky before our home games?
Jeff Goodman @GoodmanESPN 31m
Indiana-Iowa game tonight canceled after piece of roof at Assembly Hall fell into seats at 2:31 pm.
How come we never get this lucky before our home games?
Jeff Goodman @GoodmanESPN 31m
Indiana-Iowa game tonight canceled after piece of roof at Assembly Hall fell into seats at 2:31 pm.
I'll settle for black and white.That would solve the rebuilding the roof and getting a color TV scoreboard issue.
We haven't won a home game in 47 days.
Welcome MasonFanatic.My name is MasonFanatic and I have been Hewitt sober since approximately 7:15 pm on Saturday.
One must first admit they have a problem before they can overcome their demons. You have taken the first step.My name is MasonFanatic and I have been Hewitt sober since approximately 7:15 pm on Saturday.
I feel this deserves it's own thread.
Questions is... Is it worth skipping class?
“You’ve got to come out and make plays all the time. This whole idea that because we did well last game, we’re going to do well this game? Not anymore. Teams are so good. Nobody wins on reputation anymore in all of college basketball. You do it with effort and execution.
“Our play and execution wasn’t as good as Saint Bonaventure’s. It was better at Duquesne and UMass. That’s why we won those games. We’re going to have to play well again. St Louis isn’t coming in here thinking, ‘Oh, these guys almost beat us.’ They’re thinking, ‘Let’s see you do it again.’”
Maybe I am parsing it too much, but sounds an awful lot like blaming the players.
If you were teaching guys fundamentals, wouldn't good play in one game start to carry over to the next?