The next road game we win will be our first. Probably not coming at Siegel. Will look forward to seeing our progress from this game to when we host them later in the season.
72-59 bad guys.
72-59 bad guys.
The next road game we win will be our first. Probably not coming at Siegel. Will look forward to seeing our progress from this game to when we host them later in the season.
72-59 bad guys.
Mason 101
vcu 99
We win on a Myles Tate steal and layup.
Everyone on these boards has a coronary.
Is this wishful thinking or have we heard any rumors that he could indeed be back?
Looks like the sack of cash I left at one game workedYeah, rumor of 4 games and if he was kicked off the team, he wouldn't have been in warm-ups on the bench against Wagner. Looks like we'll get him back.
Yeah, rumor of 4 games and if he was kicked off the team, he wouldn't have been in warm-ups on the bench against Wagner. Looks like we'll get him back.
Saw a picture of the guys practicing prior to the Wagner game and Marko was in practice gear....seems that would be a positive sign that his return is imminent.
He was also dressed in the same gear at the Longwood game as well.
I'm talking about actual practice here days before the Wagner game. Practice tank and shorts. If he's allowed to practice then he's gotta be close to suiting up for a game.
Mason vs. P-5 teams: 2-1
vcu vs. P-5 teams: 0-5
Advantage: Mason, bitches.
USAToday now has a college guide. It ranks schools by state. vcu is #17 in Virginia. Are there 17 colleges in the Commonwealth?
8th behind W&L, UVa, W&M, UR, Tech, JMU, & VMIWhere is Mason ranked?
8th behind W&L, UVa, W&M, UR, Tech, JMU, & VMI
Not sure how we end up behind W&L and we should be close to Tech and JMU for value.