Yeah, you, and DJ3, and PMP have had nothing else to say but yammer about Coach P and his perceived incompetencies and mistakes. We've heard enough of it. You're like the pâté de foie gras manufacturer cramming corn meal down a duck's throat until nothing else will fit!
We've heard your endless echo of opinions over and over and over. Ok, ok... your opinion has been noted. We're very familiar with how you stand on the issues. Very few agree with you, but it's in the record.
So, how are YOU going to fix your perceived problems with what it is Mason Basketball? I'm not talking about all this fantasy Coach and AD crap. What are you going to do, specifically? What actions are you GOING to take? Are you going to pickett outside EBA? Stage a sit in at Brad Edward's or DP's offices? Start a petition? Bring signs into games stating, "DP must go!"? What? What are you planning to do besides gripe, bitch, moan, nag, cry, complain, beef, belly ache, fuss, fidget, whine, sob, holler, and kvetch over how badly things are going right now with my beloved Patriots?

(MasonLawyer, DJ3, and PoorManProfit respectively)
Say something substantive and contsructive for a change or shut the F up!!!