Distraction Thread

Jack Strop

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I'll play along with the disclaimer that you don't have to be Rush fan to appreciate his talent and legacy. Neil Peart was not only one of the greatest — if not the greatest — percussionists ever, but he was without question one of the most underrated and under-appreciated lyricists.

Limelight was probably their most commercial hit, but there was nothing common or cliche about the lyrics Peart wrote. To me, that's what separated him from most other great musicians.

Living on a lighted stage
Approaches the unreal
For those who think and feel
In touch with some reality
Beyond the gilded cage

Cast in this unlikely role
Well equipped to act
With insufficient tact
One must put up barriers
To keep oneself intact

Living in the limelight
The universal dream
For those who wish to seem
Those who wish to be
Must put aside the alienation
Get on with the fascination
The real relation
The underlying theme

Living in a fisheye lens
Caught in the camera eye
I have no heart to lie
I can't pretend a stranger
Is a long awaited friend

All the world's indeed a stage
And we are merely players
Performers and portrayers
Each another's audience
Outside the gilded cage
Neil Peart was an exceptional songwriter/lyricist. My favorite Rush tune is Vital Signs from Moving Pictures. An excerpt:

Unstable condition–
a symptom of life,
in mental and environmental change,
atmospheric disturbance,
the feverish flux
of human interface and interchange.

The impulse is pure.
Sometimes our circuits get shorted
by external interference.
Signals get crossed
and the balance distorted
by internal incoherence.

I mean, b e a u t i f u l g e n i u s, p u r e b r i l l i a n c e!
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Neil Peart was an exceptional songwriter/lyricist. My favorite Rush tune is Vital Signs from Moving Pictures. An excerpt:

Unstable condition–
a symptom of life,
of mental and environmental change,
atmospheric disturbance,
the feverish flux
of human interface and interchange.

The impulse is pure.
Sometimes our circuits get shorted
by external interference.
Signals get crossed
and the balance distorted
by internal incoherence.

I mean, b e a u t i f u l g e n i u s, p u r e b r i l l i a n c e!
My old man answered some call-in radio trivia to win tickets to a Rush concert while I was in high school. I had only ever heard Tom Sawyer at the time, but I went with him. I think it was the snakes and arrows tour.

They blew me away live. Each a true master of their instrument. They were definitely a little weird, especially for an early high school kid. But they were so good, it didn't matter.


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Hot take alert: I'm just not a fan of Rush and Neil Peart's death is not the end of some musical era for me. I'm sure he was a fine man, but this is not John Lennon we're talking about. Agree or disagree?
Rush has long been my favorite band. I know I am in the minority, but I’d take Peart over Lennon every day of the week if given the choice. They are arguably the most versatile rock band ever with Peart being fairly consistently the best drummer ever. Many an accomplished drummer in today’s have been quoted saying they wouldn’t even attempt to reproduce some of rush’s songs due to the complexity of the drumming.