Dave Paulsen


Four-star Recruit
Have you spoken to Brad Edwards regarding your extensive concerns? I met with him after he arrived and he was very open about what he was attempting to do and the issues going forward. I'm in for tix and a modest 4 figure annual gift because I loved the DP hire and BE's vision. He sure didn't need to meet with me. Also, why would anyone publish pictures of (I'm assuming) paid for and planned for facility needs w/o an institutional buy in? Finally, I have a group of college friends that constantly rant about what they won't do to financially improve programs they care deeply about and it makes no sense to me. They always lament that no one listens yet they rarely talk to the right people about their greatest concerns.

I have no concerns with Paulsen's ability to take this team to the top tier of the A10 and take us to the NCAA tourney on a regular basis. I am comfortable with what I see as the three key areas of coaching. He seems to be able to recruit, especially diamonds in the rough, and hopefully that translates as the team moves upward. He seems to be able to teach the kids to play well and to play tough as evidenced by how much the players and team seems to improve over time. He also seems to do the third leg of the coaching tripod, the Xs and Os aspect, very well. I am happy with what I have seen on all three fronts.

Where my concerns lie are with the support Paulsen can be provided by the AD. I fear 1 of 2 things might jeopardize how high we go in the Paulsen era or how long the era lasts. Here is how I envision it panning possibly panning out:

1. The AD can't provide adequate support and resources to Paulsen, et al. to compete with other A10 schools and all top tier D1 schools. I see this impacting in different ways, one of which includes recruiting could be impacted (no practice facility yet, mediocre practice facility is built in the formed of a shared RAC facility, etc.). Another way this could impact how far we can go is that we can't draw new or keep existing fans engaged. To get to the next level we need to win at home almost all of the time. EBA needs to have a real home court advantage. EBA itself and the game day experience needs to be kept modern and the AD need to step things up in marketing to new fans/donors and retaining existing fans/donors.

2. The other way I could see it going is that Paulsen becomes (too?) successful before our AD has turned the corner on fund raising/marketing/outreach. Maybe we really overachieve in one of the next couple of seasons, make a run in the tourney, Paulsen starts to get interest from higher level programs and we lose him prematurely because we can't make an interesting enough counter offer. If he does good enough, at some point we may never be able to keep up with a top tier program trying to take him, but it would be nice if we had the resources to win a round or two of the inevitable bidding war type of problem.

So, I think we are in great shape in the coaching department. It is the support the AD is capable of providing him that concerns me. Now, someone posted above about a recent article regarding the practice facility that is to be part of the RAC as well as athletics fundraising. That got me excited, so before I posted this I went and found those articles and read them (the ones in the recent Mason Spirit). While it is nice to see them talking about it more so than we had seen these topics discussed under the previous regime, I felt both were so short on specifics that I am concerned if anything is happening anytime soon. The practice facility article didn't provide anything concrete. Not much more than the information that was provided for the previous incarnation of a practice facility plan. The article sounded to me like they don't have anything in place yet, maybe even from a funding standpoint. Not even a start date for phase 1. Maybe that was just the way that article was written and things are actually more concrete. I really hope so. I am not 100% sold on the shared facility aspect either. While it should help on the access to practice areas front, will it be impressive enough to keep pace on the recruiting front? Will the space allocated to basketball remain dedicated to basketball, or will there be scope creep? That would be less likely with a dedicated practice facility. I understand it will likely be cheaper this way, but I also think donors would be less likely to give to a shared facility or give less. You probably lose naming rights value by doing that as well. The John Doe Basketball practice area inside of of the RAC doesn't sound nearly as good as The John Doe Basketball Practice Facility.

As for the article that was more about fundraising for athletics, my issue is the age old issue I have had with Mason and fund raising for athletics. It references the faster farther campaign (which has the words backwards if you ask me-it should be the farther faster campaign). I would like to see a dedicated campaign for the practice facility. Maybe they are raising funds from all donor types (those interested in academics, those interested in athletics, etc.) and then going to redirect them to athletics, hoping that they can get more for athletics. If that is the game they are playing, it might work once, but you could alienate academic donors by doing that. It was Mason playing similar shell games why I stopped trusting Mason a while back to allocate money as I intended it to be used when I donated it, so I started directing my money more specifically and finally cut back on the size of the donations (even prior to my recent athletics boycot...). If you want to raise money for an academic building, do a campaign specifically for that. If you want to raise money for an athletics facility, then do a campaign specifically for that. Let people know exactly what you are really raising the money for and then spend it on that. Don't obfuscate the purpose or mislead your donors.

I hope I am wrong, but, outside of the (excellent) coaching change, I am just not seeing a lot of progress on other fronts in the AD.

OK, I am getting down off my soapbox now.

Wow, I just noticed how much I typed. I must be really bored with this DR exercise waiting to get to the point where I have more to do...

I have had the same experiences with Brad that Cedric Dempsey has mentioned he had, so, you may be talking to the wrong folks.

I cant answer all of your questions/concerns (there are waaaayyy too many) but to be short, there are several things in the works right now that you have mentioned above, that will happen after the season. I would be shocked if you don't see some of your concerns mitigated. The support from Mason admin may not be there but Mr. Edwards is busting his hump making these things happen.

You can donate specifically for those several things if you so choose, all you have to do is make a call to the patriot club. I have heard Brad speak openly about a lot of those things, to many different people, at events and even in the hospitality rooms, so I am not sure why you are the lone individual (at least from what I see on here) that doesn't have any luck chatting with Brad.


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
I have had the same experiences with Brad that Cedric Dempsey has mentioned he had, so, you may be talking to the wrong folks.

I cant answer all of your questions/concerns (there are waaaayyy too many) but to be short, there are several things in the works right now that you have mentioned above, that will happen after the season. I would be shocked if you don't see some of your concerns mitigated. The support from Mason admin may not be there but Mr. Edwards is busting his hump making these things happen.

You can donate specifically for those several things if you so choose, all you have to do is make a call to the patriot club. I have heard Brad speak openly about a lot of those things, to many different people, at events and even in the hospitality rooms, so I am not sure why you are the lone individual (at least from what I see on here) that doesn't have any luck chatting with Brad.
gmutd127-I think you are missing the overall point here. This has little or nothing to do with me talking to BE. I feel no need or even desire to talk to him (especially at this point). I have made absolutely no attempt to reach out to directly to BE. As a refresher I stopped coming to Mason related events a while back so there have been few chances for us to bump into one another, either.

As for the talking with the "wrong folks", I was communicating with high level people in the AD. Off the top of my head I was dealing with at least 4 different people with words like Deputy AD and Director in their titles. These are people that likely report directly to BE. They were the people I knew and they were the people responsible within the AD for managing the areas I was discussing.

Let me summarize the main point. I went away from Mason Basketball because there were management issues in the AD, primarily among them, managing the coaching situation. When I saw that the coaching situation was addressed, I attempted come back to Mason Basketball. The ball was dropped (no pun intended), not once, but repeatedly. It was clear to me that the management problems in the AD had not been addressed.

I don't know exactly where the problems lie, but it is BE's job to make sure the AD is operated reasonably well, not mine. If BE was interested in talking to me, and reached out, I would be glad to talk to him and provide my feedback and give him an opportunity to convince me that things are moving in the right direction. I mentioned that several times to the high level people I spoke to (as they were not telling me anything to convince me; I guess the plans were secret...), I was told each time that something would be scheduled. It has never happened. Then after forgetting to follow up, but being reminded by something 6 months later (maybe by my posts on here?), they did as you have just done, and they made it my responsibility, not theirs. They obviously were not paying attention to what I was saying.

If things are going better from a fund raising, facilities, etc. perspective, great. It is just not obvious from a (now) outsider that we have made much progress. I am not saying it is not happening, but, based on my experiences, I will be skeptical until I actually see something concrete happen. We have hired our second person (DG) in the AD (in addition to the rest of the Patriot Club) whose primary job it is to raise funds for the Athletic Department. Where are the results? I was a very easy win for them at the time and I had a track record of donations to Mason and I was practically ignored. I should not have to practically beg an organization to give them my money. Hopefully they have better followup now with other potential donors looking to make sizable donations.


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
The practice facility article didn't provide anything concrete. Not much more than the information that was provided for the previous incarnation of a practice facility plan. The article sounded to me like they don't have anything in place yet, maybe even from a funding standpoint. Not even a start date for phase 1. Maybe that was just the way that article was written and things are actually more concrete. I really hope so.
According to Brad Phase I now starts in the summer. Sounds like they're way behind on funds though for Phase II


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
I love the continued essays of why Brian doesn't donate anymore. Who cares
I only have responded to people implying i need to work harder at giving my money to Mason or pointing out that there are big promises being made that take money that doesn't appear to have been raised yet.

If you or others don't care about issues that ultimately affect the program, feel free to remain in your ignorant bliss.


Hall of Famer
⭐️ Donor ⭐️
"I told our guys in the locker room that there were two stories to this game," head coach Dave Paulsen said. "One was how hard we fought in the second half and how resilient we were. But those things were lacking in the first half and that's a reflection of one of our worst practices of the season Friday. Our guys have to get over the notion of big games. Every game is a big game, and if we want to be a championship team we need to have a championship approach to every single thing we do."

Jack Strop

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
All this reads to me is that some people who donate decent sums of money to Mason Athletics want to help make decisions for the Athletic Dept. or want their funds to be used in a specific way. By doing so, such donors end up appearing as if they are usurping people's jobs in the AD. In effect, these patrons end up alienating the AD staff.

Unless you're giving "Koch Bros.-like" donations then you have no business attempting to earmark the usage of the funds you are providing or affecting AD policy and decisions. If you want a decision-making job in the AD then why not apply for it rather than throwing them money in a pay-to-play power-play to insert yourselves as a Fantasy Athletic Director. I'm sure this type of meddling and second-guessing gets awfully tiresome and irksome to the people who work in the Athletic Dept. Who likes other people telling you how to do your job?!?

I get it that donors want to steer their money to be used for pet projects or their own perceived priorities for a going concern. It makes the donor feel important. But it's not what donating is all about—it's not an investment to which you are entitled to reap returns.
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Hall of Famer
Unless I'm mistaken, yesterday's game was the first time the school has used the video screens to encourage donations for the proposed basketball practice facility. For those who were at the game, what did you think about the presentation?
Unless I'm mistaken, yesterday's game was the first time the school has used the video screens to encourage donations for the proposed basketball practice facility. For those who were at the game, what did you think about the presentation?

I thought it was good. It gives more awareness to maybe the less hardcore Mason fans that the team needs a practice facility. Also, where do we donate the money to the practice facility?


Good question. The online donation form is here: https://securemason.gmu.edu/s/1564/....

But it has no option, at least right now, for Practice Facility, although you could write something in (how trustworthy is a write-in? I don't know).

I'm sure you could call, though, and pledge a donation to the practice facility: 703.993.3218.

I agree, I would definitely call for a targeted donation like the practice facility. Get the feeling if someone on the other end of the online donation doesn't know (i.e., there isn't a pre-determined category) it will get tossed in the "GMU Foundation bucket".


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
All this reads to me is that some people who donate decent sums of money to Mason Athletics want to help make decisions for the Athletic Dept. or want their funds to be used in a specific way. By doing so, such donors end up appearing as if they are usurping people's jobs in the AD. In effect, these patrons end up alienating the AD staff.

Unless you're giving "Koch Bros.-like" donations then you have no business attempting to earmark the usage of the funds you are providing or affecting AD policy and decisions. If you want a decision-making job in the AD then why not apply for it rather than throwing them money in a pay-to-play power-play to insert yourselves as a Fantasy Athletic Director. I'm sure this type of meddling and second-guessing gets awfully tiresome and irksome to the people who work in the Athletic Dept. Who likes other people telling you how to do your job?!?

I get it that donors want to steer their money to be used for pet projects or their own perceived priorities for a going concern. It makes the donor feel important. But it's not what donating is all about—it's not an investment to which you are entitled to reap returns.
"I don't want you to direct your donation. You have to trust I will spend it wisely even though the track record says otherwise. I don't like big donors."

Welcome back Tom O'Connor. How have you been?