According to Wikipedia, and we all know how perfect they are, EBA has hosted 2,958 events since opening in 1985. So, that's about an average of 82 events per year. If you take out Mason sporting events (men's & women's) you are probably down to around 50 events. Many of those are high school graduations. So that leaves concerts and things like Disney on Ice, fights, the occasional circus etc. that make up the remaining events. The largest grossing concert was Springsteen in 2005. Largest crowd was for Phish. Largest gross was for Barnum and Bailey at 1.86 million in 2009. Point being that over the last 10 years I can't think of one really big event held there. It would be interesting to see a breakdown of how much the arena has netted GMU over the years. It may be time to downsize. Who knows. Better minds than mine can study that. All I know is it sucks to have so many empty seats for the showcase program, men's basketball. New coach, new blood, better results, maybe we'll pack the place. Our history says we won't no matter how good the team is.