Recruiting Visitors?


I heard they were trying to get some guy with a name like E. Boleh to campus this weekend. There were concerns about his visa status, though, as he is from Africa.


Hall of Famer
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He isnt coming, but his cousin E. Kholeih has confirmed.


Hall of Famer
Pretty sure we're looking at a speedy little guard named Salvatore Manilla.

Everything I've heard about Sal is he just runs right through the defense on his way to the rim. Nothing can stop him.


Hall of Famer
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Lets hope none catch the PHH VIRUS and infect our school. I hear that is a tough one to rid. Once before it mutated into an automatic rollover attack every spring. Finally, the state of GA took the financial hit and got rid of it.


Sixth Man
Raider reminds me of the band who kept on playing while the titanic was sinking instead of getting on one of the lifeboats.
Is it really such a sin that I want this program to get back to the national stage? I am an optimist. I am also a patient person. NIT at the minimum or we might have to explore different options for head coach. I think that's more than fair.


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I would love for you to be right. But this coach cant prepare a microwave dinner, much less a bball team. Theres more to it than recruiting the best player, which he is failing at too.


Ahmad Gilbert will be at Mason Madness. The nightmare with Therence Mayimba is all true. There is indeed a NCAA eligibility issue in regards to high school credibility.
Paul Hewitt era keeps getting worse. :bricks::blackeye::fistsup:


Hall of Famer
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Raider reminds me of the band who kept on playing while the titanic was sinking instead of getting on one of the lifeboats.

Interesting comment considering that band knew there weren't enough lifeboats and that they were all going to die, but played to keep the spirits up of the condemned anyway. I wonder...


Hall of Famer
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Ahmad Gilbert will be at Mason Madness. The nightmare with Therence Mayimba is all true. There is indeed a NCAA eligibility issue in regards to high school credibility.
Paul Hewitt era keeps getting worse. :bricks::blackeye::fistsup:

2011 - 2014: The Era of Bad News


Hall of Famer
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Lombardi leaves to a lateral position. NCAA arrives to investigate our recruit. Hmmmmmmmmmm......

Leesburg Chankenstank III

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Passionate young alumni like me who haven't been alienated are your future lifeblood...

And I thank god everyday to have you on our side, Raider. Who knows, without you, we may have been picked dead last in the preseason poll instead of next to last.

But seriously, even with your omnipotent positivity, even you have drawn a line in the sand in regards to Hewitt. I would be thrilled to even be considered for an NIT bid this year but it ain't even close to happening. "Surprising the critics" would simply be finishing in the top 10 in the conference...... and that my friend is sad.

As long as Hewitt is here, we cannot even begin to have hope. I'll still be at every home game, I'll still drag my girlfriend to a couple of games and try to convince her not to be on her iPhone the entire time, buy Mason apparel, and give my usual $500 yearly donation. But I don't have to like where our program is and where it is heading and I don't have to have the same optimism you do. If that works for you, great. But much like religion, I don't have to have an illogical belief/optimism regardless of the facts.


Hall of Famer
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Regarding Mayimba, doesn't the burden to check his eligibility fall on the admissions department? One thing I've always appreciated about our university is that we don't cut corners to allow athletes in who don't meet academic requirements.

I know there were some issues with the accreditation of Arledge's high school, but I'm surprised the issue with Mayimba's transcript surfaced so late in the process.
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Ahmad Gilbert will be at Mason Madness. The nightmare with Therence Mayimba is all true. There is indeed a NCAA eligibility issue in regards to high school credibility.
Paul Hewitt era keeps getting worse. :bricks::blackeye::fistsup:

Yes. I believe I said a while ago.

I told you about Arledge and was scoffed at. Now I deliver about Mayimba. At some point you people will start to believe me.

Or perhaps you don't deserve my wisdom.
Regarding Mayimba, doesn't the burden to check his eligibility fall on the admissions department? One thing I've always appreciated about our university is that we don't cut corners to allow athletes in who don't meet academic requirements.

I know there were some issues with the accreditation of the Arledge's high school, but I'm surprised the issue with Mayimba's transcript surfaced so late in the process.

I believe it all checked out with the school here in the states. If they said Mayimba was a 10th grader academically, and he then proceeded through HS as normal...why would Mason even question it? I think the problem comes from very little record keeping in his home country. And while a HS may not dig that deep, figuring the kid is here, this is his transcript, the NCAA may not. They want better record keeping.

Unless you are Syracuse. Then it doesn't matter.

Patriot Lawdog

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Didn't a welding certificate work for some of the other teams in this conference? Maybe we should look into that...