"In all of nature, there is one creature that stands out. The North American vcu Ram. With its trademark disgusting odor and fervent opposition to hygiene, they can often be seen under bridges or near fast food establishments during one of their mandated 15 minute smoke breaks.
Their diet consists mainly of any leftover food that isn’t sold on their shifts. They are very courteous creatures as they instinctively from a young age always ask if one would prefer “fries with that”.
They also have one of the most unique mating rituals in the animal kingdom. One partner will lure the other to its territory under the guise of obtaining an “education”. Once the partner takes the bait and is immediately pounced on, force fed a steady diet of fast food, crayons and various illicit psychoactive drugs.
And the indoctrination is intensive long process that Is not completed until one or more of the following guidelines are met:
· One reaches the 300 pound mark and/or 50% body fat.
· At least one Arthropod lays eggs and hatches on their unkept bodies
· Their farts stop making noise"
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