
Yeah, I'm talking about hope. Something I haven't had for this program in a long time. Suddenly, I'm looking at the players imagining what it would look like if they actually developed, or had a situation which played to their strengths.
I'm imagining Marquise Moore as a tough as nails PG who played in a system that didn't ask him to take a ton of shots, but just run a system, be tough as nails on D, and use his physical gifts.
I'm imagining Jalen Jenkins being a matchup problem for other teams, instead of just "a guy with no position".
I'm imagining Shevon Thompson knocking down 70% of his free throws.
I imagine Holloway playing enough of a semblance of defense to be our Jason Terry-esque bench maniac.
I know hope can drive me crazy in a place like this, but for right now, I'm going to listen to the marriage of Figaro, and remember the time when George Mason made other teams fans get a knot in their stomach, instead of our own.