Horton Hears A......

Leesburg Chankenstank III

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At least there was some kind of strategy to Paul I ball even if it never really worked for us. Paul Ball II is seeming randomness. Let's call it chaos (pronounced Chay - ose)


Hall of Famer
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anyone starting to think Tom O'Connor hired him on purpose? it is so blatantly obvious this guy was a terrible coach for a long time.


Having lived through all of these eras as a season ticket holder, Nestor is by far the worst. He could not recruit or coach. He was a total disaster. At least Paul II can attract some good players. He has no clue what to do with them once they arrive on campus, but at least they get here. Nestor was clueless on every level.


It just boggles my mind how Hewitt can be so bad at coaching. He seems to be able to bring in some talented guys (maybe not the right mix). I couldn't believe what some people would say about players regressing under his coaching was possible. I thought that there is no way that a team can get worse as the year goes along.

Well, he seems to be proving me wrong. Congratulations Hewitt!


Man, Mason just called me "thank you for supporting the basketball program last year, we'd like to talk to you about what we can do to get support this year".

I didn't answer the call, but would it be totally a-holey of me to say "not gonna happen while Hewitt is coach"?


Man, Mason just called me "thank you for supporting the basketball program last year, we'd like to talk to you about what we can do to get support this year".

I didn't answer the call, but would it be totally a-holey of me to say "not gonna happen while Hewitt is coach"?
I would think if you handled it nicely and said something along the lines of "Thanks for the call, that is a nice touch. Unfortunately, I won't be supporting the program again until Hewitt is no longer the coach. Feel free to call me as soon as he has been fired", that it is perfectly fine. Since they asked what they can do, might as well tell them.


I would think if you handled it nicely and said something along the lines of "Thanks for the call, that is a nice touch. Unfortunately, I won't be supporting the program again until Hewitt is no longer the coach. Feel free to call me as soon as he has been fired", that it is perfectly fine. Since they asked what they can do, might as well tell them.

I agree with this tact, always be polite and rather than say you are NOT donating, say you ARE donating - as soon as Hewitt is fired.

Quentin Daniels

Hall of Famer
Man, Mason just called me "thank you for supporting the basketball program last year, we'd like to talk to you about what we can do to get support this year".

I didn't answer the call, but would it be totally a-holey of me to say "not gonna happen while Hewitt is coach"?

Have you considered this is perhaps the AD's way of collecting quantitative data that the most loyal fans want Hewitt gone?