OT: Washington Freedom Cricket Stadium



Hall of Famer

Jennifer Watsky

4h ·
Here is a copy of what I sent to the BOV…

"Dear Members of the GMU Board of Visitors,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the proposal by GMU to partner with Sanjay Govil, owner of the Washington Freedom cricket team, to construct a “temporary” 12,000-seat cricket stadium on the GMU campus. As a Virginia taxpayer and resident in a neighborhood directly across from GMU, I am deeply invested in the well-being and integrity of our community and its educational institutions.

While I understand the importance of seeking innovative ways to support GMU's mission as an academic community, this issue transcends personal preferences for sports and is fundamentally about transparency, accountability, and the responsible use of public resources. The decision to partner with a private entity for the construction of a stadium raises fundamental questions about the university's commitment to its educational mission and the responsible stewardship of public resources.

First and foremost, I question how the construction of a cricket stadium, primarily benefiting a Maryland-based commercial enterprise, aligns with GMU's mission of fostering innovation and inclusivity in academia. The Virginia State Constitution mandates that university land be used for literary, scientific, or educational purposes, yet the proposed stadium appears to prioritize commercial interests over educational objectives.

Furthermore, the lack of collaboration with Fairfax County or the State of Virginia on required improvements and infrastructure raises concerns about the project's impact on traffic, parking, noise, light pollution, and the environment. Without proper planning and assessment, the stadium risks exacerbating existing challenges faced by the surrounding community and compromising the quality of life for residents.

Moreover, the absence of essential elements such as adequate parking spaces, environmental studies, and addressing wetland disruptions underscores the rushed and incomplete nature of the project. GMU's decision to enter into a partnership for the construction of a “temporary” stadium, with the intention of it becoming permanent, raises concerns about long-term planning and the university's commitment to transparency.

The lack of a full board vote, alongside claims of unanimity without addressing abstentions and absences, only adds to the perception of opacity and disregard for accountability in decision-making processes. Additionally, the absence of meaningful community involvement and engagement from GMU leadership further undermines public trust and confidence in the university's governance.

In light of these concerns, I urge the Board of Visitors to halt construction until a proper and thorough assessment of the project's plans and implications can be conducted. It is imperative that GMU uphold its commitment to transparency, accountability, and community engagement, and ensure that decisions align with the best interests of all stakeholders involved.

As part of this assessment, I implore GMU to answer the following questions before proceeding with the project:
- How does the construction of the cricket stadium align with GMU's educational mission and values?
- What collaborative efforts have been made with Fairfax County or the State of Virginia to address infrastructure needs and environmental concerns?
- Why has there been a lack of essential planning elements, such as adequate parking spaces and environmental studies, in the project's development?
- How does the temporary nature of the stadium partnership align with GMU's long-term goals for the campus?
- Can GMU provide a comprehensive explanation of the decision-making process regarding the partnership and construction plans?
- What steps will GMU take to ensure meaningful community involvement and engagement moving forward?

Furthermore, it is deeply concerning and insulting for George Mason University to focus on the idea that this stadium is temporary when Sanjay Govil himself has openly discussed permanent plans for the cricket stadium. His vision includes creating a community surrounding the stadium with shops, businesses, and other attractions to attract Major League Cricket fans to the GMU campus for games. This demonstrates a clear intention for long-term commercial development that contradicts the university's claims of a temporary arrangement.

Finally, the actions of the Board of Visitors and Sanjay Govil set a poor example for college students, who should not emulate unethical behaviors exhibited by university officials and private entities. As institutions of higher learning, GMU and its leadership have a responsibility to uphold the highest ethical standards and serve as role models for the next generation of leaders.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I trust that you will act in the best interests of all stakeholders involved.

Jen Watsky


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Jennifer Watsky

4h ·
Here is a copy of what I sent to the BOV…

"Dear Members of the GMU Board of Visitors,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the proposal by GMU to partner with Sanjay Govil, owner of the Washington Freedom cricket team, to construct a “temporary” 12,000-seat cricket stadium on the GMU campus. As a Virginia taxpayer and resident in a neighborhood directly across from GMU, I am deeply invested in the well-being and integrity of our community and its educational institutions.

While I understand the importance of seeking innovative ways to support GMU's mission as an academic community, this issue transcends personal preferences for sports and is fundamentally about transparency, accountability, and the responsible use of public resources. The decision to partner with a private entity for the construction of a stadium raises fundamental questions about the university's commitment to its educational mission and the responsible stewardship of public resources.

First and foremost, I question how the construction of a cricket stadium, primarily benefiting a Maryland-based commercial enterprise, aligns with GMU's mission of fostering innovation and inclusivity in academia. The Virginia State Constitution mandates that university land be used for literary, scientific, or educational purposes, yet the proposed stadium appears to prioritize commercial interests over educational objectives.

Furthermore, the lack of collaboration with Fairfax County or the State of Virginia on required improvements and infrastructure raises concerns about the project's impact on traffic, parking, noise, light pollution, and the environment. Without proper planning and assessment, the stadium risks exacerbating existing challenges faced by the surrounding community and compromising the quality of life for residents.

Moreover, the absence of essential elements such as adequate parking spaces, environmental studies, and addressing wetland disruptions underscores the rushed and incomplete nature of the project. GMU's decision to enter into a partnership for the construction of a “temporary” stadium, with the intention of it becoming permanent, raises concerns about long-term planning and the university's commitment to transparency.

The lack of a full board vote, alongside claims of unanimity without addressing abstentions and absences, only adds to the perception of opacity and disregard for accountability in decision-making processes. Additionally, the absence of meaningful community involvement and engagement from GMU leadership further undermines public trust and confidence in the university's governance.

In light of these concerns, I urge the Board of Visitors to halt construction until a proper and thorough assessment of the project's plans and implications can be conducted. It is imperative that GMU uphold its commitment to transparency, accountability, and community engagement, and ensure that decisions align with the best interests of all stakeholders involved.

As part of this assessment, I implore GMU to answer the following questions before proceeding with the project:
- How does the construction of the cricket stadium align with GMU's educational mission and values?
- What collaborative efforts have been made with Fairfax County or the State of Virginia to address infrastructure needs and environmental concerns?
- Why has there been a lack of essential planning elements, such as adequate parking spaces and environmental studies, in the project's development?
- How does the temporary nature of the stadium partnership align with GMU's long-term goals for the campus?
- Can GMU provide a comprehensive explanation of the decision-making process regarding the partnership and construction plans?
- What steps will GMU take to ensure meaningful community involvement and engagement moving forward?

Furthermore, it is deeply concerning and insulting for George Mason University to focus on the idea that this stadium is temporary when Sanjay Govil himself has openly discussed permanent plans for the cricket stadium. His vision includes creating a community surrounding the stadium with shops, businesses, and other attractions to attract Major League Cricket fans to the GMU campus for games. This demonstrates a clear intention for long-term commercial development that contradicts the university's claims of a temporary arrangement.

Finally, the actions of the Board of Visitors and Sanjay Govil set a poor example for college students, who should not emulate unethical behaviors exhibited by university officials and private entities. As institutions of higher learning, GMU and its leadership have a responsibility to uphold the highest ethical standards and serve as role models for the next generation of leaders.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I trust that you will act in the best interests of all stakeholders involved.

Jen Watsky
Well, as my dad used to say, "blow it out your **s!"


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Jennifer Watsky

4h ·
Here is a copy of what I sent to the BOV…

"Dear Members of the GMU Board of Visitors,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the proposal by GMU to partner with Sanjay Govil, owner of the Washington Freedom cricket team, to construct a “temporary” 12,000-seat cricket stadium on the GMU campus. As a Virginia taxpayer and resident in a neighborhood directly across from GMU, I am deeply invested in the well-being and integrity of our community and its educational institutions.

While I understand the importance of seeking innovative ways to support GMU's mission as an academic community, this issue transcends personal preferences for sports and is fundamentally about transparency, accountability, and the responsible use of public resources. The decision to partner with a private entity for the construction of a stadium raises fundamental questions about the university's commitment to its educational mission and the responsible stewardship of public resources.

First and foremost, I question how the construction of a cricket stadium, primarily benefiting a Maryland-based commercial enterprise, aligns with GMU's mission of fostering innovation and inclusivity in academia. The Virginia State Constitution mandates that university land be used for literary, scientific, or educational purposes, yet the proposed stadium appears to prioritize commercial interests over educational objectives.

Furthermore, the lack of collaboration with Fairfax County or the State of Virginia on required improvements and infrastructure raises concerns about the project's impact on traffic, parking, noise, light pollution, and the environment. Without proper planning and assessment, the stadium risks exacerbating existing challenges faced by the surrounding community and compromising the quality of life for residents.

Moreover, the absence of essential elements such as adequate parking spaces, environmental studies, and addressing wetland disruptions underscores the rushed and incomplete nature of the project. GMU's decision to enter into a partnership for the construction of a “temporary” stadium, with the intention of it becoming permanent, raises concerns about long-term planning and the university's commitment to transparency.

The lack of a full board vote, alongside claims of unanimity without addressing abstentions and absences, only adds to the perception of opacity and disregard for accountability in decision-making processes. Additionally, the absence of meaningful community involvement and engagement from GMU leadership further undermines public trust and confidence in the university's governance.

In light of these concerns, I urge the Board of Visitors to halt construction until a proper and thorough assessment of the project's plans and implications can be conducted. It is imperative that GMU uphold its commitment to transparency, accountability, and community engagement, and ensure that decisions align with the best interests of all stakeholders involved.

As part of this assessment, I implore GMU to answer the following questions before proceeding with the project:
- How does the construction of the cricket stadium align with GMU's educational mission and values?
- What collaborative efforts have been made with Fairfax County or the State of Virginia to address infrastructure needs and environmental concerns?
- Why has there been a lack of essential planning elements, such as adequate parking spaces and environmental studies, in the project's development?
- How does the temporary nature of the stadium partnership align with GMU's long-term goals for the campus?
- Can GMU provide a comprehensive explanation of the decision-making process regarding the partnership and construction plans?
- What steps will GMU take to ensure meaningful community involvement and engagement moving forward?

Furthermore, it is deeply concerning and insulting for George Mason University to focus on the idea that this stadium is temporary when Sanjay Govil himself has openly discussed permanent plans for the cricket stadium. His vision includes creating a community surrounding the stadium with shops, businesses, and other attractions to attract Major League Cricket fans to the GMU campus for games. This demonstrates a clear intention for long-term commercial development that contradicts the university's claims of a temporary arrangement.

Finally, the actions of the Board of Visitors and Sanjay Govil set a poor example for college students, who should not emulate unethical behaviors exhibited by university officials and private entities. As institutions of higher learning, GMU and its leadership have a responsibility to uphold the highest ethical standards and serve as role models for the next generation of leaders.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I trust that you will act in the best interests of all stakeholders involved.

Jen Watsky
This should be the Kane/Undertaker choke slam into a burning coffin as far as football at Mason. If the suburban NIMBYs are up in arms over cricket/a baseball expansion? They’ll revolt if we ever tried to do 1AA. The only way we would get football is if we did it away from campus like how UCLA has a fan bus to the rose bowl.


Hall of Famer
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Should be somewhat nice to a billionaire. Never know how generous he might get.

dr. gunnie

Staff member
It probably would have been better optics if from the beginning Mason said that they are building a new baseball stadium thanks to the generous donation of of Mr. Govil. This state of the art baseball facility will be able to host state and conference championship tournaments, along with other unique events like cricket.

These losers like Jen Watsky are so hung up on the cricket part of it when it will be used much more as a baseball stadium for Mason baseball.

These people are clueless and misleading - they say Mason sprung this up and hasn't been transparent. We have been talking about this for months. She says "What collaborative efforts have been made with Fairfax County or the State of Virginia to address infrastructure needs and environmental concerns?" On the Mason website they published a 170 page Environmental Impact Report that I found in 30 seconds: Link


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
It probably would have been better optics if from the beginning Mason said that they are building a new baseball stadium thanks to the generous donation of of Mr. Govil. This state of the art baseball facility will be able to host state and conference championship tournaments, along with other unique events like cricket.

These losers like Jen Watsky are so hung up on the cricket part of it when it will be used much more as a baseball stadium for Mason baseball.

These people are clueless and misleading - they say Mason sprung this up and hasn't been transparent. We have been talking about this for months. She says "What collaborative efforts have been made with Fairfax County or the State of Virginia to address infrastructure needs and environmental concerns?" On the Mason website they published a 170 page Environmental Impact Report that I found in 30 seconds: Link
The second a white woman brings up the word "soil" in an argument I think it should be automatically dismissed.


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The neighborhoods raising the fuss aren't even on the same side of Braddock road as the stadium, and they are east of the stadium, meaning the only traffic they would experience would only be fans exiting the stadium that are also heading east, during non-rush hour times.

F them in their A's


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I just gotta say that, agree or disagree with his statement, the student representative was great. I'm happy they have a student being involved in these discussions. I wonder how he ended up in that role.
Yes, he was.

Old Man

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If anyone is interested, Australia is playing New Zealand in cricket on Hulu. It's 9pm on 29 Feb.
Last edited:


Hall of Famer

Update on Proposed Joint-Use Baseball-Cricket Stadium at George Mason University​

March 1, 2024

As George Mason University continues to explore the possibility of a temporary joint-use baseball-cricket stadium on the university’s West Campus in Fairfax, we wish to share important clarifications that we believe address urgent concerns of nearby neighbors.

To be clear, George Mason University and the Washington Freedom have no plans to, and will not, commence any construction on such a facility without first sitting down with our neighbors to hear their concerns in person and begin the meaningful dialogue that we have promised. We hear and respect your questions and concerns about the timing of the project and whether neighbors will have the opportunity to be heard up front. We assure you that you will.

In addition, the current schedule being discussed is for cricket matches to be played in July 2025. When cricket commences, enhancements associated with this opportunity will also bring benefits to the university and the community, which we also look forward to sharing with you.

Mason is in the advanced stages of scheduling in-person community meetings, and once confirmed the information will be shared through email notifications and through the West Campus Planning website.


Gregory Washington
George Mason University

Sanjay Govil
Washington Freedom


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Update on Proposed Joint-Use Baseball-Cricket Stadium at George Mason University​

March 1, 2024

As George Mason University continues to explore the possibility of a temporary joint-use baseball-cricket stadium on the university’s West Campus in Fairfax, we wish to share important clarifications that we believe address urgent concerns of nearby neighbors.

To be clear, George Mason University and the Washington Freedom have no plans to, and will not, commence any construction on such a facility without first sitting down with our neighbors to hear their concerns in person and begin the meaningful dialogue that we have promised. We hear and respect your questions and concerns about the timing of the project and whether neighbors will have the opportunity to be heard up front. We assure you that you will.

In addition, the current schedule being discussed is for cricket matches to be played in July 2025. When cricket commences, enhancements associated with this opportunity will also bring benefits to the university and the community, which we also look forward to sharing with you.

Mason is in the advanced stages of scheduling in-person community meetings, and once confirmed the information will be shared through email notifications and through the West Campus Planning website.


Gregory Washington
George Mason University

Sanjay Govil
Washington Freedom
"When Cricket commences...." In other words, we'll listen to you, but tough luck, we're building the stadium."


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Hope all of you huge cricket/baseball fans have season tickets this year and don’t miss a game. Can’t wait for us to have another gigantic empty sports facility.